Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

HUMAN SENSES(section.1)

Man consists of several senses,among others:
Senses of sight
Because we have eyes,why we sit here surfing fun.
Human eye would have the parts of each,among others:
Its use to prevent the entry of persipiration into the eye.
useful to close the eye ball.
c.gland eye
This eye glands where the tears.water handy to met the eye cornea,protect the eye from germs,keep the eyes and the eyelids to stay healthy and soft.
Their role to prevent dust so as not incoming for eye
e.sclera layer
Layers of the sclera is the outermost layer of white.expect the front of the eolorless or transparent,part of the cornea called corneal.
F.koroid layer
koroid layer is the middle layer that contains blood vessels.
I.eye muscle
Useful for the tether ball eye on the wall of the eyeball and move the eyeball.
J.optic nerve
Continue to function as a light stimuli received by the cells into the central nervous system receptors in the brain.
K.eyeball fluid
Useful to give shape to the eye.

Thanks forover

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